ABA DEBUT: March 1997

IDENTIFIERS: "Pulp Fiction" shirt, Nike shorts, occasionally Billy Bob Teeth.

STRENGTHS: Quick release, outside shooting.

WEAKNESSES: Boullion Cubes, Hot Boom Gum

I remember our first time at BA, someone brought a box of donuts in that morning man! I had never eaten a donut on a basketball court before.
And there was the one time we played at the Butcher. The game at the Butcher was great. About halfway through we heard the gurgly ice-cream music coming from the 1983 Chevy step van about a block away, a few of us yelled, then Downtown grabs a towel to wave in the air over his head and starts yelling like someone on Rescue 911 trying to get help. "HEEEEYYYYY! HEEEEYYYYY!" Man, that was great. We had ice cream.

Other ABA memories: Ruggie going coast to coast for a trip stumbling lay-up with two people covering him and then the next time down getting stuck up-side down in the net. The smile the Dictator gets when his game is on and he stabs you with another deuce. the Cop's hang time, Short Arm's left hand shot from 10 feet out, Downtown winning the game with six 2 point shots, Solo T on the money 8 footer (he makes that look easy sometimes), Fro's general play, there's many more... Oh, one more thing. On Good Friday in 1997 I tore some ligaments in my ankle playing at BA. I came to work Monday on crutches with a cast on my right foot. Popcorn looks at my foot, asks me what happened, and then shakes his head and goes on to tell me that he will likely never get an injury like mine laying on the couch drinking beer and watching The Simpsons.